
My late uncle introduced me to photography; as a child, I would sit on a wooden stool at the viewing station in his and my aunt's apartment, scouring his negatives. I had no idea what I was looking at or what drew me in, but I felt something and that was enough to keep looking. I loved what I saw for the very reason that I am drawn to filmmaking: the way we capture the essence of humanity - our movements, conversations, emotions, and experiences. Film gives me different perspectives; brings unique interpretations, which is why diverse individuals are needed. Being sensitive and curious, I have a passion for exploring, pondering, and presenting possibilities through film.

My experiences, interests, and artistic efforts all contribute to my development as an artist. Specifically, my interests are on creating visual music films, narrative drama, satire, and dark comedy. I explore the balance between joy and failure in life and examine the struggles, confusion, and ambivalence that come with it, ultimately striving for hope and a brighter future; one that may not be possible yet but that artists can imagine to display.

These competing elements make up the complete version of myself that I strive to become. The art of filmmaking offers endless possibilities to create and bring to life a world of my own imagining. Cinema provides an opportunity to be a part of something greater than just being in the spotlight and offers more creative freedom than simply writing or directing. A film can convey a thousand words through images and tell a story that is worth more than words can express.

The mind has its limits but I’m interested in the way beyond. Something outside of ourselves; the unattainable, sometimes overwhelming, the cosmic. Though that creative daydreaming is helpful and a part of me, much like my executive dysfunction, I need to be brought down to earth. To make these things a reality in our constructed medium.

The year 2020-2021 made it difficult to balance multiple jobs, but it also gave me more opportunities to experiment. I remind myself that the ultimate goal is to create for the love of it and make it a part of my life, not just a career. The passion I have for my art is evident in everything I do.

If I can convey my message through my creations, as it brings me joy and satisfaction, then I am effectively communicating. By allowing my work to do the talking, I am making a meaningful contribution. Collaborating with others who share the same goal of creating something truly magnificent will make this journey never-ending, difficult at times, but it will also be a life well lived.


Amarachukwu J. Modu is a filmmaker and artist from New Jersey. She holds an MFA in filmmaking from the London Film School and a BA in french language and literature from Trinity College. Currently she freelances as an editor.